Title: A Murderous Glaze (A Clay and Crime Mystery #1)
Author: Melissa Glazer
Publisher: Penguin Group
ISBN: 9780425218365
Synopsis (from Amazon.com): In Maple Ridge, Vermont, Carolyn Emerson planned to ease into her golden years running her paint-your-own-pottery shop, Fire at Will. She never expected to uncover a dead body in the shop, and she certainly didn't plan on a drop in live clientele.
Now it's up to Carolyn and her shop's pottery club, The Firing Squad, to help clear her name. But can she find a killer and more customers without her own brush with death?
My thoughts: This is an older cozy mystery series that I just discovered on Paperback Swap. Set in a quaint town in Vermont, Carolyn, the owner of the paint-your-own-pottery shop, Fire at Will, finds a body in her shop. Carolyn and her friends in The Firing Squad set out to solve this mystery before the shop goes under.
I really enjoyed this first installment in the Clay and Crime Mystery. I enjoyed the main character and the different personalities of the various members of The Firing Squad. Like most cozies, of course the main character believes she is somehow law enforcement and immediately starts to try to solve the murder.
I found the book fun, relaxed, quirky, and enjoyable. A fun, quick read!!!
I look forward to reading the rest of the series.
My rating: : ) : ) : ) : ) Liked it!!!!
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Books Are Life,
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